Thoughts about my Divorce

Divorce is sad and frustrating conclusion to a relationship. I am tossing all the reasons for doing it aside for the moment and for my own good I am laying it all down in retrospect. To simplify it, it’s like having a broken-down car you are taking to the junk yard. You don’t want the car anymore and it’s more trouble than it’s worth. But as you step away for one last time, you look at the driver’s seat and think of where it had gotten you. The car seat impressions from the back seat that spoke to the existence of two children who came along for the ride. The trips to day care and later, school. The solitary drives to work. The hours you have spent sobbing uncontrollably behind the wheel, knowing that life was going to make a drastic change.

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Things Are Bad.

Before I begin, I would like to start this off by saying that my feelings about the matter I am about to discuss have been expressed to many friends and acquaintances I have made during the past six months. Though they all agreed with the sentiments expressed, one prevailing theme kept being uttered by my friends. “Be careful”. I thought this was an interesting phenomenon, particularly due to the unanimous nature of it.

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The Dog Days of Divorce (Yes, it was filed!)

It’s another day on the farm.  My divorce was filed over a week ago after the final retainer payment was made.  I was reliably informed that service on my JW husband was successful.  Not a peep from him as he has ceased his testing and attempts to get my attention.  This was probably at the direction of his attorney no doubt.  Whatever, I’ll take it.

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Letter from my Ex

Hello everybody!  I am going to place this here without much comment other than to give context.  About two weeks ago there was an incident at my place during the exchange of children.  Probably a day or so later this lands in my email inbox as an attachment to an email that said "Please read".  I have redacted the names as he names several people, including friends, our children and signed it.  I have forwarded this to my lawyer and have been advised to not respond at all.  I am placing it here to let people know what this letter is all about.  Sorry for my being shy on social media.  I have mentioned this letter but did not post.  I was not trying to tease.  This is the actual letter I have received from my estranged husband.  I will comment on this later.  

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