Supposition: Based on the belief without actual proof that something is so
Lloyd, you have just described your “Things are Bad” video better than I ever could have, so thank you ! I knew your wordsmithing would come in handy sometime. Indeed, you based your video on supposition – You did not prove anything about your supposed shortfall of funds and your claimed debt of €500 to €700 per month. Instead you stated it as fact and then proceeded to launch into a diatribe about the “defamation campaign”. Again, you based that on mere supposition. You have been asked several times by people you are suing and you have retorted that it is not your duty to provide proof ! You didn’t provide them any proof, nor did you detail any of the defamation to your viewers on the “Things Are Bad” video. Are you afraid that they might counter with information you voluntarily provided in your livestream and social media posts admitting to many of the things you were accused of? wth
If you had read my blog, I provided plenty of proof about why your video was manipulative and full of half-truths designed to motivate the viewer to give generously to you in order to continue your business making money off of x JWs. Maybe I should have placed your video in direct comparison with Stephen Lett’s video in 2015 and outlined the ways the two of you manipulated your followers into donating to you:
- Promising great things such as new equipment, increased production, lives saved and other grandiose plans that are designed to excite your viewers and move them to donate to such a worthy cause.
- Identifying and slandering a group of unnamed opposers who will stop at nothing to interfere and sabotage your “life saving work”. Nothing is said other that they are bad people, they are abusing you and their efforts need to be stopped.
- Asking for money and then qualifying that by insisting that you are not asking for money. You are not “forcing” anyone and they can give as their “heart impels” them to. Your content and that of JW.org is nominally free of charge, but there is an expectation for compensation. The same goes for the fundraising at JW conventions if you think about it. No one is passing a plate and you won't be stopped if you don't donate. But the pressure is there, just as it was in your video ! This is straight up manipulation that you have correctly identified in many JWB episodes. Why can’t you see the similarities in your videos? Is it because you are “good” and they are “bad” that you can feel free to adopt their manipulative tactics?
You called me an “uber-judgmental ex-JW who claims to know more about my private life than I do”. I made no such claim. First, you are manipulating your words again and it hasn’t escaped my notice that you do this often. By adding the prefix “uber”, you are intentionally adding this level to your vocabulary to make yourself seem smart and intimidating. English grammar doesn’t require your excess use of adjectives.
Let’s talk about what precisely I am being judgmental about. Your private life had very little mention in my blog and Reddit/social media posts. You need to read that in context. I only made mention of it when deciding whether or not you are a source to be trusted. Since you can’t keep your story straight about dating/seeing/visiting/whatever you were doing in Thailand with sex workers, you have lost all credibility and are being sus. This played a factor in me eventually not believing your account that you were in debt and needed a bailout from x JWs. I have not brought up anything that was not already uttered by you, be it on the livestream or the plethora (see, I can use words like that too!) of social media statements you have made since. You are a liar and the proof is out there. Thankfully many have saved your videos and screenshots and I can state with conviction that you often contradict yourself in the same video/post.
I am being judgmental about you taking advantage of people like myself who have limited means, only to see you blow it on two week vacations you claim “burnt” you out after returning home ! I am being judgmental when you are not keeping to your promises of increased and improved content as you stated in your Things Are Bad video. ! Can't the WT make the same comment about you being judgmental towards them? Your repeated overuse of this word makes it sound like it's something sinister when it is not. Being judgmental is a good attribute when you are right! You are calling someone out for bad behavior ! Your videos have not only not improved, but they have declined in frequency and quality. You used to pride yourself on making documentaries and other large projects, but you don’t even seem to put in the effort anymore. You routinely skip scheduled Patron events that are promised as a perk for the pledge. You keep the pledge money and instead give a lame and repetitive excuse of illness, burn-out, scheduling issues, and who knows what is left. You do not keep your Patreon promises seriously and your supporters are treated like monthly cash machines.
With regards to the “forum thread”, I do not know what you are speaking of. I posted this on Reddit. After 48 comments it was locked by the r/exjw mods. I wouldn’t call that “pages” of hate. There were people who defended your actions, but they were few. I was informed by someone who had read your tweet that your “forum thread” comment was about the one that is going on about you on www.jehovahs-witness.com. I did not post any comments about you there or on any other thread. I do have an account there, but I have used it solely to promote my blog. Until yesterday, none of those blogs had anything to do with you and I purposely avoided this forum yesterday so people can read my blog about my patronage of you with a clear mind. However, since I seem to get locked once people are waking up to you and your tactics, maybe I should post there just as an exclamation point to this !
With regard to your comparison of a criminal vs a flawed man, you love doing this, don’t you? It seems to be your standard deflection – choose a horrible example and then use it as a comparative device in order to minimize what you have done. You did it on the livestream – You didn’t kill anyone, no seal cubs were bludgeoned by your own hands, you didn’t run over any cats. Are you OK in the head? This is what children do. In order to excuse themselves from the wrong they committed, a finger is pointed at someone else who allegedly did something worse. So yes, a criminal does deserve pages of hate devoted to them on a forum. And in researching all that you have done in a decades worth of time- so do you. You heard me. ! Both things can be true at the same time. You have hurt people, manipulated, slandered, bullied, and have driven people off because they took issue with you ! And you want to complain about it?
Here’s my complaint, in case you missed it. I am a single mother of two young daughters, going through a costly divorce and working two jobs (6 days a week). You came to me as a viewer and asked me to be generous. Against my better senses, I believed in you and donated my hard earned money, only to find out I have been scammed and manipulated. I would ask the standard question in these cases “aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”, but you are not. You have no shame in taking money from a single mother with far less money than you have and blowing it on just about everything else but the activism you claim is so crucial that is saving lives. The only life it saves is yours by enabling you in your recreational pursuits and by also paying your child support for you. You are a pitiful man.
Next time read the blog that you are responding to before running your mouth off. Didn’t your mama teach you that?
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There is a lot of WatchTower inside Lloyd Evans that just few people realise, but when they do the disappointment is massive. Your blog, your free thinking, your reasoning is creating a lot of damage. More than you think. Good job gal
Absolutely spot on 100% solid facts solid truth
Lloyd has become his own cult...You'd have to be mentally ill to look to him for any guidance especially on moral issues, for three years he cheated on his wife with his sexual jaunts to Thailand....he now seems to be a good little atheist now...what a laugh