Letter from my Ex

Published on 5 July 2023 at 16:57

Hello everybody!  I am going to place this here without much comment other than to give context.  About two weeks ago there was an incident at my place during the exchange of children.  Probably a day or so later this lands in my email inbox as an attachment to an email that said "Please read".  I have redacted the names as he names several people, including friends, our children and signed it.  I have forwarded this to my lawyer and have been advised to not respond at all.  I am placing it here to let people know what this letter is all about.  Sorry for my being shy on social media.  I have mentioned this letter but did not post.  I was not trying to tease.  This is the actual letter I have received from my estranged husband.  I will comment on this later.  


PS - There are several triggers in this letter.  Read at your own caution.  

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2 years ago

Ok WOW. He is all over the place, contradicting himself every paragraph, making excuses, gaslighting and sounding like a narcissist.

You and your kids will be fine. ♥️

2 years ago

Hey 👋,I'm sorry 😔 you had to go through all that. I believe you know what's good for yourself and I hope you do what's good, you have my best wishes

Gareth clark
2 years ago

This letter is one of the worst things i have ever read from any human being. What a narcissist putting all of the blame on you